How to cancel an Easyjet Airlines flight?

How to cancel an Easyjet Airlines flight?

EasyJet Airlines is a low-cost airline that delivers affordable flight services. The airline carries tons of passengers regularly. If you have booked an easyjet flight and have to cancel it because of some emergency, the EasyJet Airline allows you to revoke your flight and claim a refund. The article provides complete information about EasyJet cancellations like policy, process, fees, and much more. To get a clear understanding of Easyjet Airlines flight Cancellation, you must wade through the article carefully. 

What are the Steps to Cancel an EasyJet flight?

EasyJet flights can be cancelled online and offline. The online process is pretty simple to follow and understand. Customers use it as it does not involve hassle and can be done independently. The steps for Easyjet Online flight Cancellation are enlisted. Kindly read the full process with utmost attention to know it better. 

  • You have to open the official website of the EasyJet Airline, and its link is
  • Double-click the ‘Manage Bookings’ tab and find your booking by specifying your last name and booking reference. 
  • When the flight details appear, you should click the cancel EasyJet flight option and provide a reason for cancellation. 
  • At this stage, you can submit a refund request by filling out the form that opens. 
  • You should pay the cancellation fee at the end to complete the process. 
  • EasyJet will send a confirmation to your registered email. 

Offline cancellation process:

The offline process to cancel an EasyJet flight involves contacting its customer service and having a word with them directly. You can call its official EasyJet Airlines helpline number, which is +443305515151. Hold the call till an executive connects. Meanwhile, you should keep your details ready that may be required. Once the call connects, ask the agent to cancel your EasyJet Airlines Flight and provide the details. Eventually, you should pay the cancellation fee to complete the cancellation process. 

What is the EasyJet Airlines Flight Cancellation Policy?

One of the significant points while canceling a flight is to understand its cancellation policy first. Hence, you should also learn about the Easyjet Airlines flight Cancellation Policy clearly before heading into the process of canceling your flight. It is precisely discussed in the given points. 

  • Passengers can cancel an EasyJet flight for a cancellation fee within 24 hours of making the purchase. 
  • Cancellations made within 24 hours of reservation are refunded after the deduction of the cancellation fee. 
  • Flight cancellations made outside the 24-hour risk-free window are now allowed on EasyJet Airlines. 
  • Passengers who revoke their EasyJet flight within 24 hours of booking still have to pay the administrator charges. 
  • In case of an inevitable situation such as health issues, passengers must report it to the airline as soon as possible, and it will help you in the best possible manner. 
  • If a passenger misses or cancels a EasyJet Airlines flight, it does not affect other flights on the same booking.  

If EasyJet cancels a flight:

There are certain situations when the airline has to cancel a flight due to technical reasons or adverse weather conditions. The policy followed by the EasyJet Airline, if it cancels the flight, is as follows-

  • If there are any alterations in your flight itinerary, the easyJet Airline will inform you as soon as it can. 
  • Passengers who booked their flight through a third party will have to contact their medium of contact for any flight information. 
  • Customers can shift to another flight for free. Otherwise, they can also claim a full refund. 
  • EasyJet is responsible for providing overnight accommodations to passengers whose flights face disruptions. 

When does EasyJet issue a travel voucher?

In some cases, EasyJet does not provide refunds. Instead, it issues a travel voucher in the name of the passenger who has Canceled Easyjet flight. You can get a travel voucher if you cancel-

  • Medical emergencies: if a passenger has to cancel a EasyJet flight due to any illness or health-related issues, you need to provide a few documents for verification. After performing a check, the airline issues a travel voucher equivalent to the airfare that can be used for 6 months.
  • Demise of a family member: in case any of your close ones passed away, you shall report it to the EasyJet Airline, and it will issue a travel voucher in your name. 

What are the charges to cancel EasyJet flights?

If you are canceling an EasyJet flight within 24 hours, you need to pay a cancellation fee. To know about the EasyJet Airlines cancellation fee, read through the below points.

  • If you cancel your EasyJet Flight booking online, you shall pay 49 USD.
  • Flight cancellations made offline attract a cancellation fee of 55 USD. 

How long does EasyJet take to refund?

EasyJet refunds are credited to the bank account through which the payments are made. EasyJet takes around 7 days to credit the refund in customers’ accounts. You can also keep an eye on the status of your refund through the link provided in your cancellation confirmation email or you can also call it number. 
